Snowy River Country
The legendary Snowy River features in Australian folklore and the river travels an amazing journey from its beginnings in the snow melt waters on the slopes of Mt Kosciuszko, over the border into Victoria. Then along with tributaries like the Suggan Buggan, Deddick and Little rivers, deep valleys are carved through rugged mountain ranges as the Snowy heads south to the sea at Marlo in East Gippsland.
We explore sections of the Snowy River Valley within the Alpine and Snowy River National Parks, south of the border. Discover unique rainshadow woodland of native Cypress Pine and White Box, with snowgums at high altitudes and a variety of forest types along river margins and further south. Wildlife and birds abound along with many other nature experiences.
While some parts of the Snowy River National Park have been impacted by bushfires over summer 2019-20, many sites we visit are unburnt and remain as beautiful as ever.